Traditional Choir Our choir leads the singing at the 8:30 and 10:30 AM Sunday Masses. Rehearsals are held weekly on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 PM. The choir is open to men and women from 14-80+. We encourage you to join us. If you are interested, we invite you to attend a practice and speak with Joe Harmon, our Director of Music or Caleb Gray, our Choir Director.
Cantors Cantors provide music leadership at all of our weekend Masses. The cantor assists the assembly in hymn singing as well as the Responsorial Psalm and the other sung acclamations of the Mass. An ability to sing solo and a willingness to lead the assembly are the most important qualifications. Assistance will be provided for those new to this ministry before any solo assignments would begin. Please Consider this ministry if you enjoy singing and have a desire to utilize your talent in a greater capacity. If interested, contact Joe Harmon, music director, either after mass, at [email protected], or at (815) 758-5432 ext. 106